Our services are traditional, and are conducted in a joyous, casual atmosphere. Children are included and most welcome. Many of those who attend cannot read Hebrew, yet everyone feels at home. The prayer book is bilingual and various English readings are included in the service. Song and commentary add meaning and participation to the prayers.
Our Synagogue is proud to have its services conducted by Rabbi Shmueli Feldman - the only Rabbi in the ACT, who's beautiful voice will inspire you to connect with G-d to the best of your potential and his running explanations of the prayers and renowned sermons will bring you to an elevated spiritual state.
A huge emphases in our Synagogue is placed on the special popular children's programs that take place throughout the services by various educators.
Another important part of our community is the Kiddush that follows the Friday evening service and the family lunch with cholent ( chamin) that follows the Shabbat morning service, where friendships are created and nurtured and we celebrate each others happy occasions and anniversaries.
Please allow yourself the opportunity to visit and participate in our vibrant congregation. By becoming a member you will acquire lifelong friendships, an opportunity for spiritual growth, and most importantly a chance to be a part of your Jewish community. Please feel free to visit us for services or any other program, or just stop in to say hello.
Chabad serves all segments of the Jewish community. Everyone is welcome regardless of their personal level of religious observance. The philosophy is in keeping with the Chabad-Lubavitch approach of joy, scholarship and unconditional acceptance and love for every Jew and all of mankind.