Life Cycle Events

Milestones are marked with family and friends, at Chabad we are all one big family so consider sharing your lifecycle events with us. Chabad ACT has a dedicated team of professional staff and volunteers who can help mark your event in a tailored and appropriate manner.

The ACT has a small Jewish population and as such are lucky to have a Rabbi who can officiate at your events in an official capacity. Rabbi Feldman is available to officiate at:

  • Brit Milot or a Simchat haBat
  • Pidyon HaBen
  • Bar or Bat Mitzvah
  • Marriages and divorces and;
  • Funerals

All events at Chabad are celebrated in a warm and caring manner and in line with standards of the Orthodox community of Australia. 


Birth & Parenting
Birth and Parenting
A soul becomes a life
The Jewish Name
The Jewish Name
Names in Judaism
Brit Milah: Circumcision
Pidyon Haben
Pidyon Haben
Redeeming the Firstborn Son
The Jewish Birthday
What it means and how it is celebrated
The Upsherin
The Upsherin
A Three-Year-Old Jewish Boy's First Haircut
Bar Mitzvah
Bar Mitzvah
Entering Adulthood
Bat Mitzvah
Bat Mitzvah
Entering Adulthood
The Jewish Wedding
Dating, Weddings and Marriage in Jewish Tradition

Divorce in Judaism
...a last resort, but sometimes necessary
Aging & Retirement
Aging & Retirement
The Jewish view on aging and retirement
Death & Mourning
Death & Mourning in Judaism
The Jewish Traditions & Practice relating to Death and Mourning