Our program provides a balance of social, religious and general themes, as well as life skills, to promote the child’s complete development. The daily schedule is planned to reflect the Centre’s philosophy and is regularly evaluated in the light of specific short term and long term goals.

We have a child-centred approach where the needs, abilities and interests of individual children are met through a developmentally appropriate and culturally based program.

The program provides a balance between safety, security, interests, encouragement and challenge for the child, within both structured, unstructured and play environments. The program includes planned activities and experiences in which development is fostered in the five areas of child development – social and emotional, gross motor, fine motor, cognitive, language and sensory.

We encourage the inclusion of children and involvement and participation of staff and parents as working partners in all aspects of the program, regardless of gender, age, ability, social status or family structure.

Programs are displayed in each room – parents are encouraged to offer feedback.