
Judaism does not seek to convert members of other faiths. In general conversion is discouraged and rather a focus on the Noahide Laws is encouraged. For information on the Noahide laws please click here or here. You can be a beacon of light to dispel the darkness. Learn, live, and reach out to others with acts of goodness and kindness. You do not need to be Jewish to be a good person and to earn a portion in the world to come. There are however some unique situations where an individual or family may seek to convert.

Chabad of ACT offers conversion facilitation and Rabbi and Rebbetzin Feldman are available as conversion teachers and advisers in the ACT. Chabad works with both the Melbourne and Sydney Beth Dins’s [Jewish Ecclesiastical Courts] who are the official conversion authorities in Australia.

If you are interested in Judaism or wish to discuss anything please feel free to contact us and make an appointment with the Rabbi.